Product Description
for Citroen DS, Traction Avant and H-van with Vacuum Advance FOR 1962 and Earlier with Vacuum installation manual SPECIFICATIONS direct. : CW (topview) voltage : 4,0-15,0 Volts range : 500 - 7000 rpm temperature : -30 to 85 Celsius coil : stock or High Energy coil primary coil NOT below 1,0 ohm dwell : constant current, fully autom. time-out : after 1 second current is switched off spark-bal. : better than 0,5 degr. crankshaft vacuum : advance starts at 5 inchHg stops at 10 degr. @ 10 inchHg gearshift retard > 17 inchHg max.advance : 45 degr. crankshaft wiring : red = +6V or +12V, black = '-' coil