Product Description
The 123\MINI-A+-4-R-V is designed with the mini-enthusiast in mind. It is suitable for the for the A-plus engines, but also available for the older 'pre-Aplus' Mini engines. ( referred to as : 123\MINI-R-V )The 16 curves are nicely divided over the spectrum, so that the unit lends itself perfectly for tuning.The curve table offers a comprehensive list, that links a curve-setting to a particular Lucas distributor.The unit offers a maximum total of 16 advance-curves to be selected by the end-user.Please take a look in the table below for available advance curves. SPECIFICATIONS cylinders: 4 direction: CW/CCW voltage: 4,0-15,0 Volts range: 500 - 8000 rpm temperature: -30 to 100 Celsius coil: stock or High Energy coil, primary coil NOT below 1,0 ohm dwell: constant current, fully autom. time-out: after 1 second current is switched off spark-bal.: better than 0,5 degr. crankshaft vacuum: starts at 100 mmHg, ends at 10 degr. @ 300 mmHg max.advance: 45 degr. crankshaft wiring: red = +6V or +12V, black = '-' coil Installation manual