Curve Tutorial
Understanding the Bluetooth 123ignition App Functions
1) Import File = import files stored on the app
2) Read = reads the current curve stored in the distributor
3) Save = saves the file you made to the app on the phone, not the distributor.
4) Write = saves or writes the file you made to the distributor.
5) All Bluetooth Distributors have Vacuum Advance or Vacuum Retard options or you can run with just the centrifugal curve.
All 123\Tune and 123\Tune+ have the vacuum advance and boost retard option. Everything which you program in the MAP curve below 100kPa (atmospheric pressure) needs to have a positive advance value, which leads to vacuum advance. All values above 100kPa are overpressure (boost) and so you can only enter negative advance values which is retard.
For example:
0kPa: 10 degrees
80kPa: 10 degrees
85kPa: 0 degrees
100kPa: 0 degrees
110kPa: 0 degrees
130kPa: -5 degrees
200kPa: -5 degrees
This example curve gives advance below 100kPa and boost retard above 100kPa.